How to Grow Orchids Indoors

How to Grow Orchids Indoors

Orchids, with their vibrant colors and alluring fragrances, are a prized addition to any indoor space. Often perceived as high-maintenance plants, orchids are, in reality, easier to care for indoors than many believe. Indoor orchids not only enhance the aesthetics of a home but also promote a calming and peaceful atmosphere.

Indoor orchids require specific care parameters like optimal light, precise watering, and the right humidity level to thrive. With the correct knowledge and techniques, you can enjoy the mesmerizing beauty of these plants all year round.

Keeping orchids indoors might seem like a challenge initially, but the joy of seeing a healthy orchid bloom is unmatched, making the effort worthwhile.

Basic Orchid Varieties

Phalaenopsis Orchids

  • Often termed the “moth orchid”, they are popular for their long-lasting blooms.
  • The preferred choice for beginners is due to their resilience.

Dendrobium Orchids

  • Features a wide range of flower shapes and colors.
  • Requires a bit more attention compared to Phalaenopsis.

Cattleya Orchids

  • Known for large, fragrant blooms.
  • Often found in corsages due to their striking appearance.

Oncidium Orchids

  • Recognized by their unique dancing-lady appearance.
  • Offers a wide variety of sizes and colors.

Choosing the Right Orchid

Selecting an apt orchid variety for your space can set the tone for your plant’s health and vitality. While all orchids possess inherent charm and elegance, understanding the subtle differences between their care needs will pave the way for a successful growing experience.

Factors to Consider

Ambient Conditions

Before making a choice, assess the conditions of your home:

  • Light Availability: How much natural light does your space receive? Is it direct or filtered?
  • Temperature Ranges: Orchids are sensitive to temperature. Identify the average temperature range of your indoor space. Remember, some orchids thrive in warmer conditions, while others prefer cooler climes.
  • Humidity Levels: Indoor spaces, especially those with air conditioning or heating, can alter humidity. Gauge your home’s average humidity to match it with an orchid’s preference.

Maintenance Willingness

Determine the amount of time and effort you’re willing to invest:

  • Hands-on or Hands-off: Some orchids require more frequent care, while others are more forgiving of neglect. Make an honest assessment of your gardening dedication.

Orchid Longevity

Consider how long you’d like the orchid to last. Some orchids have shorter life spans but bloom more often, while others might bloom less frequently but live longer.

Most Suited Varieties for Indoors

Phalaenopsis Orchids

  • Best for beginners due to their adaptability to various conditions.
  • They’re tolerant of fluctuating temperatures, making them ideal for typical household environments.

Dendrobium Orchids

  • While they appreciate a light-drenched spot, they can adjust to moderate light.
  • They have a wide temperature tolerance but thrive in intermediate ranges.

Oncidium Orchids

  • They demand higher humidity levels, so consider placing them in bathrooms or using humidifiers.
  • These are temperature-sensitive and thrive in moderate temperatures.

Cattleya Orchids

  • They crave strong light, so place them near south-facing windows.
  • They’re temperature tolerant but prefer warmer daytime and cooler nighttime temperatures.

Orchid Care Essentials

Light Requirements

Understanding an orchid’s light needs is crucial. Each variety has its specific requirements, and catering to them ensures vibrant blooms.

Natural vs. Artificial Light

  • Natural Light: While direct sunlight can harm orchids, dappled sunlight, especially during mornings, can be beneficial. Placing sheer curtains can filter and diffuse sunlight, making it orchid-friendly.
  • Artificial Light: In regions with limited sunlight or during winters, LED grow lights can come in handy. They mimic the sun’s spectrum, offering orchids the essential light frequencies.

Watering Techniques

Watering isn’t just about frequency; it’s also about technique.

How Often to Water

  • Generally, a weekly regimen works for most orchids.
  • The thumb rule is to water just before the potting medium is completely dry.

Methods of Watering

  • Bottom Watering: Allows orchids to absorb water as required, minimizing over-watering risks.
  • Ice Cube Method: Some experts suggest placing ice cubes on the potting mix. As they melt, they provide a steady water source.

Humidity and its Importance

Orchids, originally from tropical regions, have a natural inclination towards higher humidity.

Ways to Maintain Desired Humidity

  • Humidity Trays: These are trays filled with water and covered with a layer of pebbles. Placing orchids on them can increase surrounding humidity.
  • Misting: Spraying a fine layer of water on the orchids, especially during dry days, can keep them refreshed.

Soil and Potting Mixes

The medium in which orchids grow can make or break their health.

Best Types for Indoor Orchids

  • Bark Mix: Made primarily of bark, it offers superior drainage and aeration.
  • Moss-Based Mixes: Sphagnum moss holds moisture effectively and is suitable for orchids that prefer more humid conditions.

Potting Nuances

  • Container Choice: Orchids prefer containers that allow roots to breathe. Consider pots with ample drainage holes.
  • Repotting: Over time, potting mixes break down. Repotting every 2-3 years refreshes the medium and provides space for growing roots.

Common Orchid Pests

An infestation can be a nightmare for any plant enthusiast. But with orchids, early detection and intervention can avert severe damage.

Recognizing Signs of Infestation

Routine inspections can be your best defense:

  • Leaf Discolorations: Speckles, silver trails, or discolored patches can be early warning signs.
  • Unusual Leaf Drop: If your orchid sheds leaves unexpectedly, investigate for pests.

Pest Control Techniques

  • Isolation: On detecting an infestation, isolate the affected plant to prevent spread.
  • Manual Removal: For larger pests like snails or caterpillars, manual removal can be effective.

Fertilization and Growth

Orchids indoors don’t get the same nutrient spectrum as those in the wild. Hence, fertilization becomes paramount.

When and How to Fertilize

  • Balanced Fertilizers: Opt for balanced N-P-K ratios unless your orchid has specific needs.
  • Dilution: It’s better to under-fertilize than overdo it. Always dilute fertilizers more than recommended.

Growth Indicators

  • Leaf Growth: Healthy orchids will have firm, upright leaves.
  • Root Health: Vigorous root growth, free from rot or discoloration, is a good health sign.

Orchid Propagation Indoors

Growing a new orchid from your existing one can be rewarding. Propagation isn’t just about multiplying your plants; it’s also about deepening your bond with them.

Division technique

  • Best for mature orchids.
  • Ensure each division has 3-4 healthy pseudobulbs.

Stem cuttings

  • Cut a stem into sections, ensuring each has a node.
  • Plant these sections in the appropriate potting mix.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Orchids, like all plants, can face issues, but most are easily rectifiable with the right care.

Yellowing leaves

  • Could be a sign of natural aging or excessive watering.

Drooping or wilting

  • Often caused by insufficient water or excessive heat.

Bud blast

  • Occurs when buds fall before they bloom.
  • Can be due to sudden temperature fluctuations or low humidity.


How often should I water my indoor orchid?

Typically, once a week is sufficient, but it can vary depending on the orchid type and environment.

Can I use regular potting soil for my orchids?

No, orchids require specific potting mixes that allow for better air circulation and moisture retention.

Do orchids need direct sunlight?

No, direct sunlight can burn orchid leaves. They prefer indirect or filtered light.


Growing orchids indoors can be an immensely rewarding experience. With their ethereal beauty and serene presence, they elevate the aesthetics of any indoor space.

Adhering to specific care requirements like optimal lighting, proper watering, and the right potting mix can make the journey smoother. While challenges might arise, addressing them with the right knowledge ensures the well-being of these splendid plants.

Embracing the world of indoor orchids, one discovers the fine balance of care, attention, and love these plants demand and reciprocate with their mesmerizing blooms.